Sunday, September 13, 2009

11th September 2009.

11th September 2009


Waiting for mom to finish her class so that we can go home. Dead bored. Played Quadruple on my phone and scored 42000 on the high scores. This shows how much concentration power I have when I'm bored and fascinated by Quadruple.

Brought my books over to study while I waited for her but it turned out to be yet another epic failure. After reading 3 pages I felt like dozing off. Wtf. Then again I had a morning paper earlier so I should be allowed to cut some slack kan? :p

Wanted to maple today after my paper but bro is at home hogging the computer. Hmph. I is think tonight me is going on a maple marathon. :D

Rather random but I think I'll drag mom after she's done to One U to tapau some sushi. Suddenly have the cravings for it. Mad cravings I tell you, ever since we've been discussing plans for next Wednesday on where to eat at Sunway when Rakuzen popped into my mind. Their goma ice-cream ZOMG, heavenly. Had two other types of goma ice-cream but nothing matches up to the taste of Rakuzen's.

As I'm typing this I'm wiping the drool off my face.


I'm godingit sleepy. When can we go back?


It's just me and the admin guy out here in the lobby and it's way weird.. Like akwardly quiet weird.


Omg I'm so hungry I can eat a cow but I want to eat sushi. Shall stay awake and focused on having sushi. Well, having maple background music in my mind helps too. Heh.

Meet Meep :D