Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random #10.

I had a dream yesterday about musical instruments and my dad. My dad was showing me instruments in some room and the first thing he showed me was a guitar. The guitar was somewhat broken, or not tuned cause 4 strings sounded weak when it was strummed, and the bottom two was loose, to a point where it cant be tightened.

The next instrument was my violin which I barely touched this semester. :3 And I woke up after that.

Don't know what came over me, I decided to do a little research and I found this.

Extracted from

Musical Instruments

  • To see musical instruments, denotes anticipated pleasures.
  • If they are broken, the pleasure will be marred by uncongenial companionship. For a young woman, this dream foretells for her the power to make her life what she will.

Source: 10 000 Dream Interpretations, by Gustavus Hindman Miller


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