Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yes, its the 2nd day of the new year and I'm posting up my resolutions. :P

Resolution #1

To procrastinate less. Yes I'm so guilty of procrastination. Especially when it comes to work which has a time limit deadline. I think I actually get high when I'm rushing for deadlines. o_o bad bad. So this will be my numero uno resolution. :D

Resolution #2

To bitch, rant, whine less about things that are happening, to suck up and just accept it. I've been doing that quite often these few days and I'm sorry to the poor readers and people who had to put up with me.

Resolution #3

To stop being so hung up on things. Full stop. No further explanation needed.

Resolution #4

To let go of the past and move on. Been comparing KTAR to UTAR in so many aspects, its getting to the point where I'm annoying the hell out of myself. Yes I miss UTAR dearly, but fact is I'm in KTAR now, so get a grip girl! Suckitup suckitup.

Resolution #5

To don't give shit when people say something about me :3

Resolution #6

To love my family and friends, and to make time for them :)

Resolution #7

TO NOT BE LATE FOR 8AM CLASSES!!!!! Or any classes for that matter because ever since I knew KTAR doesn't need signatures for lecture classes, I seem to just waltz in whenever I want. Oh and to not skip classes too. Hehe.

Resolution #8

To start being more serious about my violin classes. It seems to be sitting at the corner collecting dust since I wasn't able to put it as one of my priorities this semester due to the influx of neverending assignments.

Resolution #9

To save monehhhhh! For rainy days, not to get my at the moment covet items.

Resolution #10

To eat healthily and at the correct timing. I'm guilty of bad food selection, and eating at the weirdest hours possible. So, its gotta be a new diet for this new year or an aneroxic beri by the middle of the year.

I hope I'll be able to maintain at least 5 of these resolutions. Knowing me, I'll probably CMI a few, and break some -.-''

Oh and I'm embracing the inner geekiness this year! :D

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